Pulmonary fibrosis is a serious and chronic lung disease. It usually refers to scarring (fibrosis) of the lung tissue. It is a progressive lung disease in which the tiny air sacs in the lungs (also known as the alveoli) become scarred and stiff. It makes breathing difficult and to get enough oxygen into the bloodstream. With time, scar tissue can destroy the normal lung and can cause low oxygen levels. Patients with the pulmonary condition can feel shortness of breath, mainly while walking and exercising. To diagnose pulmonary disease, a pulmonologist in Vadodara performs a thorough medical examination of the patient to identify the potential exposures or other health conditions that might lead to scarring of the lung. What are the common symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis? Many types of lung disease can lead to pulmonary disease. Thus, it is advisable to visit Baroda chest hospital to see a pulmonologist to make the right diagnosis and the right treatment. Some most common symptoms ...